Ben Ten Protector Of Earth Game Online
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Cheats
- Wii, PS2 Submitted by kasey
XLR8, XLR8, Fourarms, Cannonbolt - All 10 Aliens
- DS Submitted by Benjamen Tenford
A, B, X, Y, L, R, Select - Galactic Enforcer Skin
Left, Right, Left, Right, L, R, Select - Gwen 10 Skin
Up, Right, Down, Left, A, B, Select - Ultra Ben Skin
A, Left, Y, Right, X, Up, B, Down, Select - Unlock Upchuck - PSP Submitted by Rithik Bhatia
In the Extras Menu
Cannonbolt, Cannonbolt, Fourarms, Heatblast - Dark Heroes
Wildvine, Fourarms, Heatblast, Cannonbolt - DNA Force
XLR8 ,Heatblast, Wildvine, Fourarms - Invincibility
Wildvine,Fourarms,Heatblast,Wildvine - Unlock Alien Forms
Heatblast, XLR8, XLR8, Cannonbolt - Unlock All Locations on Map - PS2 Submitted by Kasey
Cheat menu in the Extras menu
Square, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, X
- PS2 Submitted by killer
Cheat menu in the Extras menu
Circle, Circle, Square, Square, X
- PS2 Submitted by killer
Cheat menu in the Extras menu
X, X, X, Square, Circle, Square
- PS2 Submitted by killer
Cheat menu in the Extras menu
X, X, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Square
- PS2 Submitted by killer
Cheat menu in the Extras menu
Circle, X, X, Square, Triangle
- Wii, PS2 Submitted by Simon H.
Select enter cheat in the extras menu
Cannonbolt, Cannonbolt, Fourarms, Heatblast - Dark Heroes
Wildvine, Fourarms, Heatblast, Cannonbolt - DNA Force
XLR8 ,Heatblast, Wildvine, Fourarms - Invincibility
Cannonbolt,Heatblast,Wildvine,Fourarms - Master Control
Wildvine,Fourarms,Heatblast,Wildvine - Unlock Alien Forms
Cannonblot, Heatblast, Fourarms, Heatblast - Unlock ALL Combos
Heatblast, XLR8, XLR8, Cannonbolt - Unlock All Locations on Map - PSP Submitted by pure_chibit
Extras Menu
Same as master control
just turn each dial.
#1- Heatblast;
#2- XLR8;
#3- XLR8;
#4- Cannonblot - PSP Submitted by pure_chibit
Extras Menu
Same as All map locations and Master control.
Just turn the dials.
#1- Cannonblot;
#2- Heatblast;
#3- 4arms;
#4- Heatblast - PSP Submitted by pure_chibit
Extras Menu
Same as the other 3
Just turn dials
#1- wildvine,
#2- 4arms,
#3- heatblast,
#4- wildvine - PSP Submitted by pure_chibit
Extras menu
Press start on map, Click on extras, Click on Cheat entry and turn the dial to each of the following;
#1- Cannonbolt,
#2- heatblast,
#3- wildvine,
#4- 4arms. - PSP Submitted by pure_chibit
Extras menu
same as the other 4
just turn dials
#1- wildvine,
#2- 4arms,
#3- heatblast,
#4- wildvine
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Unlockables
- DS Submitted by Gigagax
Beat the game and collect all 30 sumo slammer cards. Then play any level with 'Insane' level. The Master Control will be activated, which allows unlimited Omnitrix battery and the ability to switch to alien forms without reverting back to human form.
- DS Submitted by Gargalos
Cannonbolt - Complete Hoover Dam
Wildvine - Complete Seattle Space Needle
XLR8 - Complete Grand Canyon - PS2 Submitted by CJF
Go to the extras menu then go down to enter cheat code. Scroll until you see xlr8s picture.Then scroll up twice for heatblasts picture.[Move right for next code from first to last)Next, scroll down twice for wildvines picture.Lastly,scroll up one to go to fourarms picture.Then go to secrets menu in the extras menu to unlock invincibility.
- DS Submitted by A Cool Guy
First pause on any level. Then do these buttons two times 80% Chance it will work if you do it right. Up, Right, Down, Left, A ,B, Select. This Should work. Go into Any level and start it, and you should be black, white and a little blue. Choose an alien and then your alien will be a different color. Reset the game if you want to back to normal version.
Ben 10: Protector of Earth Hints
- PS2 Submitted by Diamondhead BEEZ
First start of as Heatblast and shoot your flamethrower a couple of times, then transform into XLR8 and start full speeding by pressing circle and kicking him then he will climb the post to regain health run on the buttons at the bottom of the pole he is on the he will fall down. Access the minigames by going into Ben's form and pressing circle on Dr. Animo - minigames help kill him quicker - a lot quicker.
- PS2 Submitted by HeatBlast22
Triangle, Triangle, Circle - Armageddon
Circle, Circle - Critical melt down
Circle, X - Meteor slam
Square, Square, Triangle - Hotfoot
Square, Triangle - Jab and burn
Circle, Square - Dragon breath
X, Triangle - Moon shot
Triangle, Triangle, Triangle - Fire plume
You will need to unlock all combo's or get the
cheat for it. - Wii Submitted by Levi Ernst
To defeat Vilgack you have to turn into Fourarms and beat him up. He will sit down, turn into Ben and press 'A,' do what it tells you. Then he will start flying. Turn into Cannonbolt and go up the ramps, land on him and he will fall down. Beat him up and do that over and over again until he sits down, Knocked out. Then turn into Ben and go up to him, press 'A,' and do what it tells you. He will start flying again, turn into Wildvine, jump up and swing at Vilgack, When you swing at him jump and punch him as many times as you can. Do that about two times and he will fall down. Beat him up and keep repeating until He sits down. Turn into Ben and run up to him, press 'A,' and do what it says. For the last time Beat him up and he will sit down. Turn into Ben and run up to him, press 'A' and do what it says.
PS: I couldn't do this without the invincibility cheat.
A nice little emulation of the game
Ben 10 - Protector of Earth is delivered as an NDS file which you have to use with an emulator, preferably DeSmuME. Once you have installed the required app, all you need to do is load it into the emulator and play the game.The controls are easy to master and gameplay is very enjoyable if you’re willing to overlook the poor graphics of the game. Other than that and the fact that the HUD is unnecessarily big, the game seems to have no other meaningful downsides.
Drop combos and upgrade your alien forms
Ben 10 - Protector of Earth is an action platformer in which you will be fighting a lot of enemies in order to complete your mission. Ben can remain in each form for a limited amount of time but defeating foes replenishes some of your Omnitrix energy and allows you to keep going.After every chapter in the story, you receive an amount of game points which you can then use to purchase upgrades. These can increase the time you can spend as an alien or even unlock new fighting moves.
A really nice feature that Ben 10 - Protector of Earth offers is the large number of combos you can perform during a fight. Each alien form has its own fighting style and abilities, and since you can purchase new ones, there are a lot of ways you can mix things up.