Amazonbasics Usb 3.0 To Ethernet Driver
I have a USB 3.0 AX88179 based Gigabit Ethernet adapter and after searching online, I found many people reporting success with this device under Linux. The driver entered the mainline kernel on version 3.9, but even before that, downloading the drivers from the the ASIX websites, compiling and loading the driver manually should work fine.
Unfortunately this is not the case for me on Ubuntu 12.10 and 13.04 on a Dell XPS 13 Developer Edition. I compile the driver (v1.4.0) without any problems (make, make install), I load it using modprobe and I see it as eth2. I can even see some RX/TX traffic but it cannot acquire an IP address so it is unusable.
dmesg output:
ifconfig output:
A different USB 2.0 Gigabit ethernet adapter and the WiFi are both working fine, so networking shouldn't be a problem on my laptop. Is there something I miss for this specific chipset?
With the latest Kubuntu (and I guess Ubuntu as well) is working! So the problem is fixed. I guess it was a driver/kernel/hardware issue which is not present anymore with the latest kernel. I cannot tell the exact kernel version which made it to work, but for Trusty 14.04 everything looks fine!
2 Answers
This shouldn't be any different than manually compiling the driver as you've done, but other Ubuntu 12.04 precise users can use this ppa to easily install the driver:
- ppa:qji/ax88179
It uses dkms to build asix's driver.
Step by step instructions:
yes, you are not getting an IPv4 address. and that's the only problem.
it is NOT a driver problem. the driver works just fine.
it's a configuration problem. Cadbury dairy milk silk chocolate. you should be able to fix it editing the /etc/network/interfaces (i believe it's called the same on ubuntu..), telling it to use either a static ip or dhcp (more info on google); or, setting it (for static/dhcp) through your favorite network manager.
protected by Community♦Oct 13 '13 at 7:49
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