Fungsi Perpustakaan Sekolah

    • by amr mohamed
    • Book levelling
ABSTRAK : Perkembangan perpustakaan sekolah di Indonesia dirasa masih sulit maju, stagnan, dan bahkan memprihatinkan. Menimbulkan dampak pada fungsi perpustakaan yang menjadikannya tidak berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Hal ini terjadi di... more
ABSTRAK : Perkembangan perpustakaan sekolah di Indonesia dirasa masih sulit maju, stagnan, dan bahkan memprihatinkan. Menimbulkan dampak pada fungsi perpustakaan yang menjadikannya tidak berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Hal ini terjadi di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Islam Balesari, Windusari, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah. Meski berlokasi di pulau Jawa, ternyata tidak menjamin kualitas fisik dan aktivitas di perpustakaan. Berdasarkan masalah diatas, kami membuat Program Membangun ' Prototype ' Perpustakaan Ramah Anak. Program ini diadobsi dari Perpustakaan Sekolah Room To Read dan juga sumber berbagai literatur. Dalam kajian ini, penulis bertujuan menjelaskan enam tahap yakni (1) perencanaan, (2) pelaksanaan, (3) hasil pelaksanaan, (4) sistem monitoring & evaluasi, (5) dampak pelaksanaan, dan (6) perubahan sebagai akibat pelaksanaan. Hasil kajian ini adalah terciptanya Model Perpustakaan Ramah Anak yaitu adanya ruang perpustakaan yang nyaman, area membaca, aktivitas pembiasaan membaca, pelayanan sirkulasi, penataan buku pada rak dan terciptanya kesadaran kepala sekolah dan guru terhadap peran perpustakaan di sekolah. Program dalam kajian ini perlu disampaikan karena masih banyak perpustakaan sekolah dasar yang membutuhkan pendampingan pengembangan perpustakaan. Kajian ini pun layak diadobsi untuk membangun Perpustakaan Ramah Anak.
Kata kunci: pendampingan, perpustakaan ramah anak, pengabdian, perpustakaan sekolah,
ABSTRACT : The development of school libraries in Indonesia is still difficult to move forward, stagnant, and even cause concern. It causes an impact to the fucntion of library which make it does not work properly. This is happened in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Islam Balesari, Windusari, Magelang regency, Central Java. Although, it is located in Java, it does not guarantee about the quality of library. Based on the problem above, we create Prototype of Child Friendly Library. This program is adapted from School Library of Room To Read and various sources of literature. In this research, the writer aims to explain six stages: (1) planning, (2) implementation, (3) results of the implementation, (4) monitoring & evaluation system, (5) the impacts of the implementation, and (6) a result of the implementation. The results of this research is the creation of Child Friendly Library Model. The Child Friendly Library Model consists of new library space, reading area, reading habit activity, circulation service, book arrangement on the shelf and the creation of awareness to the importance role of libraries in schools. The program in this research needs to be delivered because there are school libraries need assistance to development school libraries. This research is worthy to be adopted to build a child-friendly library.
Keywords: mentoring, child-friendly library, dedication, school library,
    • by Dicki Agus Nugroho
Klasifikasi koleksi buku perpustakaan harus memiliki tujuan khusus. Bukan sekedar mengkategorikan. Dalam tulisan ini, ada klasifikasi jenjang buku Room To Read. Bertujuan menyesuaikan buku sesuai kemampuan baca anak (pemustaka).
    • by Dicki Agus Nugroho
    • by david beamish
    • 26
    • by Olga Fischer
    • by Fabrice Hernandez
    • 14
    • by Şahinde Demirci
    • 9
Resource leveling aims at minimizing the resource usage fluctuations, which is accomplished by moving noncritical activities within their float. The project duration is fixed and is not affected by the leveling. Most of resource leveling... more
Resource leveling aims at minimizing the resource usage fluctuations, which is accomplished by moving noncritical activities within their float. The project duration is fixed and is not affected by the leveling. Most of resource leveling techniques assumes that activities cannot be ...
    • by Moncer Hariga
    • 21
    • by Lai Liu
    • by Lai Liu
    • by Saffet Erdogan
    • 14
    • by Albert Magnin
... Mair In???nitival complement clauses in English: a study of syntax in discourse Charles F. Meyer Apposition in contemporary English Jan Firbas Functional sentence perspective in written and spoken communication Izchak M. Schlesinger... more
... Mair In???nitival complement clauses in English: a study of syntax in discourse Charles F. Meyer Apposition in contemporary English Jan Firbas Functional sentence perspective in written and spoken communication Izchak M. Schlesinger Cognitive space and linguistic case Katie ...
    • by Edgar Schneider
    • 13
ABSTRACT Certain major ancient engineering constructions, such as aqueducts and qanats, testify to high accuracies in the computation of elevation differences obtained using primitive levelling instruments. Based on the typology of... more
ABSTRACT Certain major ancient engineering constructions, such as aqueducts and qanats, testify to high accuracies in the computation of elevation differences obtained using primitive levelling instruments. Based on the typology of ancient levelling instruments and the analysis of certain key ancient structures such as the (Eupalinos) tunnel at Samos Island (Greece), it became possible to specify the accuracy, and especially the measuring techniques and procedures of levelling in antiquity, ignored so far by non-professional investigators. Ancient levelling techniques were derived on the basis of trials and errors over past centuries and include standard length sighting distances (revealing that 'cord stretching' may also indicate levelling), stadias with fine focussing on sliding targets adapted to the level field of view, two-way measurement in levels and stadias, repeated and redundant observations in loops, measurements by skilled professionals. These techniques permit to limit and randomise systematic errors and to obtain accuracies up to a few centimetres per kilometre are likely to indicate a real theory of error propagation and are reminiscent of the techniques used in our days in extraordinary projects (the alignment of the CERN colliders, etc.).
    • by Stathis Stiros
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    • by Elizabeth Gordon
    • by Anabela Alves
    • Book levelling
Özet Okuma alışkanlığı kazandırılmasıyla ilgili diğer ülkelerde olduğu gibi Türkiye'de defarklı çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. İstatistiksel olarak bakıldığında Türk okuyucularının kitapla ilişkisi düşündürücü durumdadır. Gerek Milli Eğitim... more
Özet Okuma alışkanlığı kazandırılmasıyla ilgili diğer ülkelerde olduğu gibi Türkiye'de defarklı çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. İstatistiksel olarak bakıldığında Türk okuyucularının kitapla ilişkisi düşündürücü durumdadır. Gerek Milli Eğitim Bakanlığının zorunlu eğitim sürecine eklediği okuma kitapları gerekse yayınevleri tarafından yayınlanan kitaplarla zengin bir çeşitlilik sözkonusu olmasına rağmen hala okuyan ve yazan bir medeniyet çizgisini yakalamada dünya ortalamasının gerilerinde yer almak başka bir çözüm olup olmayacağı sorusunu gündeme getirmektedir. Gelişmiş ülkeler arasında İngitere'de okuma alışkanlığı oldukça iyi bir seviyededir. Bu yazıda, Türkiye ve İngiltere'de okuma becerisinin ilerletilmesi ve alışkanlığının kazandırılmasına yönelik kullanılan materyaller karşılaştırılarak iki ülke arasındaki farklılıklar ortaya çıkarılmaya çalışılacaktır. İlkokul öğrencilerinin okuma becerilerini ilerletmek ve yaşlarına uygun çocuk edebiyatı ürünlerini kolayca okuyup anlayabilmeleri için İngiliz ilkokullarında yürütülen 'reading book band' sistemi tanıtılacaktır. Türkiye'de sınıf düzeyinde oluşturulmuş okuma kitaplarındaki seviyelerin öğrenciye katkısı üzerinde durularak İngiltere modelinin Türk ilkokullarına uyarlanmasına dair bazı teklifler sunulacaktır. Anahtar kelimeler: okuma alışkanlığı, İngiltere okuma alışkanlığı modeli, seviyelendirilmiş okuma kitapları,ilköğretimde okuma alışkanlığı Abstract Different studies have been carried out so far on the purpose of getting people to gain reading habits in Turkey as in other countries. Being considered statistically, Turkish readers' relationship with books is thought-provoking. Although there has been a diversity in books both because of the books presented by the Ministry of Education in relation to the compulsory education process and the books published by the publishers, remaining behind the developed countries in world rankings in terms of being a civilisation of many readers and writers has brought the question of whether there is another solution to this problem or not into the agenda. Among developed countries, United Kingdom has quite good reading habits' level. In this paper, improving pupils' reading habits and the materials utilized to achieve this purpose in UK and in Turkey will be compared and the differences between the two countries will be tried to be discovered. In order to get the pupils' to improve their reading skills and to easily understand children literature appropriate for their age, the ' book band ' system which is conducted in British primary schools will be introduced. By pointing out the effectiveness of Turkish reading books which are composed according to year groups, certain suggestions will be put forward for adapting British model to the Turkish primary schools.
    • by Ilknur tatar kirilmis
    • by Jukka Käyhkö
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